Protein is kind of the It Girl of nutrients right now. It’s the macro that’s good at everything: building muscle, supporting immune function, sustaining energy levels, shoring up bone health, and much more. But when it comes to losing weight, does eating more protein help you lose faster or more effectively… or is it just a really good thing to eat more of in general for your overall health? The answer is a little of both.
Protein is a building block of life, and every cell in your body contains this macronutrient, according to the U.S. National Library of Medicine. (Carbohydrates and fats are the other main macronutrients, FYI.) Protein is necessary to help your body repair cells and make new ones, and it’s also crucial for growth and development.
Protein does a lot for your body, and, yes, it plays a role in weight loss, experts say. But losing weight isn’t as simple as adding more protein to your plate—there are a lot of other factors to consider.
So, what’s the sweet spot with upping your protein for weight loss? We tapped three doctors who specialize in weight loss, along with a nutritionist and personal trainer, for everything you need to know.
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